Romana Italiano EnglishAncacapri e partea cea mai inalta a insulei Capri. Aici se poate ajunge cu autobuz sau taxi, noi am luat-o de la Capri (dupa ce urcasem cu funicolare) un autobuz care ne-a dus mai sus.
E un spectacol de panorame, gradina-vila lui Axel Munthe de vizitat. Am intalnit tocmai cand am fost noi cateva autocare cu romani :-)
Ancapri è la parte più alta dell'isola di Capri. Si raggiunge col pulman o taxi, noi siamo salite prima a Capri col funicolare e da lì abbiamo preso un altro pulman. Da visitare la splendida villa del medico svedese Axel Munthe.
The isle of Capri has two communes: Capri and
Anacapri. The origin of the name Capri, according to M. Andren, can go back to the Latin "Capreae" (island of the goats) or to the kapros"(from Greek "island of the wild boars); while the Anacapri voice comes from Greek, Ana' kapros and means "Goats of over".
Villa San Michele in Anacapri was the home of the Swedish physician,
Axel Munthe.In Villa San Michele a number of ancient artefacts are displayed - objects found by Munthe in Capri, Anacapri and elsewhere, some of which donated by friends.
Fragments of sarcophaguses, busts, Roman paving, marble and columns can be observed. In the garden there is a Greek tomb and a granite Sphinx which gazes out over the whole Island of Capri.
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